What Makes The Turn Signal On My BMW Blink Quickly?

Galleria BMW can help you discover what makes the turn signal on your BMW blink quickly.
The second you jump inside your own car, you’ll be able to tell if anything feels different when you’re riding around. If it’s irregular smells, performance, or the general feeling on the road, you’ll be quick to notice a small difference since you last drove the car. In this situation, you’re preparing to turn left, and you see your blinker flashing faster than usual. This is where a host of different causes could play a role in the turn signal flashing so fast. There may be a lot of issues, anything from bad wiring in your vehicle, a burned-out bulb being used, or you may be using aftermarket LED headlights that aren’t compatible with the vehicle. We have the professionals to guide you throughout the entire task of finding out why your turn signal blinker is blinking quicker than usual and how to get them fixed.

Blown Fuse In Vehicle
This problem isn’t as simple as the reasons previously mentioned, but solving this can help prevent more issues from popping up in the car. Whether it’s faulty wiring creating issues for the turn signals circuit or not enough power, both of these can result in similar problems. But, in some cases, this blinker problem may be the beginning of a bigger problem your car may have. All in all, it’s better to bring your car to our service department and let our professionals take a look.

Your Turning Signal Bulb Has Burnt-Out
One of the biggest sources of a quicker-than-usual turn signal sensor might be a burnt-out bulb for that one side. A burnt-out bulb might be the important cog of an uncomfortably excessive blinking turn signal that doesn’t stop since the burnt lightbulb sends an altered current through the system. Yes, you can see if both turn signals are flashing faster than usual. However, it’s probably better to bring the vehicle to our service department to allow the professional service technicians to have a look.

The Aftermarket taillights Aren’t Compatible
If you identify yourself as a car enthusiast that loves to personalize many parts of your car, you could end up purchasing aftermarket car accessories that aren’t suited for your car, this could cause a list of issues. Custom or aftermarket lights could bring tons of compatibility issues, and a quick flashing turn signal can be one of those causes. You’ll be better off letting us handle finding the right auto parts and help you locate the appropriate lights to prevent this from happening.
Schedule Service for BMW Biloxi MS
Galleria BMW is an excellent location for Biloxi area vehicle repair and service.We are ready to repair any type of car, truck, or SUV. Our team of professionals can locate your mechanical issue and recommend a solution, regardless of the vehicle’s model or manufacturer. Visit or call our BMW dealership to schedule a service appointment.